Category Archives: Kenilworth Manor News

Clarendon Care Group and the UK Coronavirus Outbreak
The health, safety and wellbeing of our Residents and Colleagues are always our top priorities. We have therefore taken comprehensive action to prepare for, and respond to, the growing coronavirus outbreak in the UK.
This page details the latest advice from Clarendon Care Group about the steps we are taking at our homes. This information is intended for Clarendon Care Group Residents, Colleagues, and any visitors to our homes only.
For comprehensive information about the coronavirus itself, please visit either the Gov.UK or NHS websites, or if you are concerned you or someone you are in contact with has coronavirus call 111.
Visiting a Clarendon Care Group care home
For Clarendon Care Group the health and safety of our Residents and Colleagues is our top priority. As such, we have made the decision to limit non-essential visitors to our care homes until further notice.
We have not taken this decision lightly, but we know our visitors, including relatives and loved ones, would want us to do everything possible to keep the Residents in our care safe and well.
Non-essential visits include routine visits from Relatives and loved ones, visits from individuals such as hairdressers and entertainers, and from professionals and contractors carrying out non-essential services.
If you can delay your visit or achieve its purpose via another method (i.e. through a phone call or video call) please do so.
Requests for essential visits where exceptional circumstances arise will be considered. These can be arranged by contacting the Home Manager.
Phone numbers for all homes are listed on the individual home pages here.
If an essential visit is granted, we ask that a number of steps are taken to limit any potential risk – these are outlined in the next section.
How to safely visit a Clarendon Care Group care home
If you are making an essential visit to a Clarendon Care Group care home, it is important that you do so safely and in a way that minimises the risk of infection to our Residents and Colleagues. Therefore, before visiting and whilst on site, please consider the following:
- Hand washing. It is important that you wash your hands thoroughly before you visit the care home, and regularly whilst you are at the home. Please make sure you wash your hands for a minimum of 20 seconds, using either hot water and soap or 60% alcohol sanitiser gel. The NHS has a video guide to effective handwashing here. Additional hand washing stations have been set up at our homes to help visitors wash their hands regularly.
- Coughs and sneezes. We understand there are many reasons why someone may cough or sneeze. However, whilst visiting a Clarendon Care Group care home please make sure you have a tissue on you at all times so that you can catch a cough or sneeze. Please then immediately dispose of the tissue in the bin. Remember – Catch it. Bin it. Kill it.
Protecting our Residents and Colleagues
Please be assured that Clarendon Care Group is treating this matter with the utmost seriousness and comprehensive contingency plans are in place in the event of a coronavirus outbreak at a home.
In response to the growing UK coronavirus outbreak we have created a dedicated steering group. Led by our Clinical Director Chris Potter this group comprises senior leaders from across the business who meet regularly to review and further develop our plans, reflecting the evolving situation.
The steering group has already taken action, including working to secure the medical supplies we may need in the event of an outbreak in a home, and developing and implementing the policies and protocols needed to make sure Clarendon Care Group homes can continue to provide high-quality, kind care during this time.
All Home Managers and Colleagues have been informed of the steps we are taking and how they can help prevent the spread of infection. This includes taking staff and visitors temperatures and use of alcohol gel at the point of entry in addition to promoting hand washing in all areas of all homes, installing additional prominent signage about handwashing and reminders for infection control training through our digital learning platform.
The Clarendon Care Group Coronavirus Steering Group continues to meet regularly and is monitoring and reacting to the latest guidance issued by the UK Government and Devolved Administrations, the NHS, and public health bodies.
This page will be updated to reflect the latest information and advice regarding any additional steps we are taking to safeguard the health of our Residents and Colleagues.
For anyone connected to a Clarendon Care Group home who has further questions about our response to the coronavirus, please call the Home Manager at your local home. Phone numbers for all homes are listed on the individual home pages here.

MacMillan Coffee Afternoon
Residents and their families supporting the MacMillan Coffee Afternoon at Kenilworth Manor Nursing Home.

St Patricks Day
Kenilworth Manor Nursing Home resident Dot enjoying her Guinness celebrating St Patricks Day. ☘️☘️

St Davids Day
Our residents at Kenilworth Manor celebrating St Davids Day and having sing along to Tom Jones music.

Variety of Activities and Celebrations
Our Residents at Kenilworth Manor Nursing Home have enjoyed a number of activities and celebrations over the last few weeks, they were Valentines Day, Chinese New Year, An Afternoon Tea and Raffle and the Knit and Natter Club. There was also a visit and talk by Guide Dogs for the Blind which our Nursing Home is now linked with the Kenilworth Branch

Kenilworth & District Poppy Appeal launched at Kenilworth Manor
Following last year’s launch at the cenotaph, the appeal’s opening event for 2017 was hosted by Joy Thorpe and the team at Kenilworth Manor Care Home in Thickthorn Orchards on Friday October 27.
One of Poppy Appeal’s longest serving volunteers, Margaret Kite BEM, also presented Kenilworth’s mayor, Cllr Kate Dickson, with her poppy for this year at the event. Joy Thorpe said: “Everyone here at the care home was honoured to help launch this vital annual appeal and delighted that the Mayor and Margaret could be present. “We hope to raise lots of money to support veterans, the families who care for them and of course our many serving men and women currently in the armed forces. “We spent some time reminiscing about the Second World War during Cllr Dickson’s visit. It was a defining period in the lives of many of our residents and they were very keen to make sure they played a part in ensuring those whose sacrifices meant they did not get to live to old age would never be forgotten.”
Last year’s appeal raised £24,000, and it is hoped even more can be raised this year. More than 100 businesses, schools and clubs will be supporting the appeal by selling poppies. They will stay on sale until Remembrance Sunday which falls on November 12. Cllr Dickson added: “I was really pleased to support the poppy appeal this year, and it was fitting to be with older people whose families have been affected by the previous World Wars. “We hope the appeal raises lots of money for such a great cause.” Anyone wishing to donate or to enquire about help from the Royal British Legion, Kenilworth Poppy Appeal can be contacted on 07964 704941.